Results for 'J. -M. du Bois'

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  1.  55
    Communicating BRCA research results to patients enrolled in international clinical trials: lessons learnt from the AGO-OVAR 16 study.David J. Pulford, Philipp Harter, Anne Floquet, Catherine Barrett, Dong Hoon Suh, Michael Friedlander, José Angel Arranz, Kosei Hasegawa, Hiroomi Tada, Peter Vuylsteke, Mansoor R. Mirza, Nicoletta Donadello, Giovanni Scambia, Toby Johnson, Charles Cox, John K. Chan, Martin Imhof, Thomas J. Herzog, Paula Calvert, Pauline Wimberger, Dominique Berton-Rigaud, Myong Cheol Lim, Gabriele Elser, Chun-Fang Xu & Andreas du Bois - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):63.
    The focus on translational research in clinical trials has the potential to generate clinically relevant genetic data that could have importance to patients. This raises challenging questions about communicating relevant genetic research results to individual patients. An exploratory pharmacogenetic analysis was conducted in the international ovarian cancer phase III trial, AGO-OVAR 16, which found that patients with clinically important germ-line BRCA1/2 mutations had improved progression-free survival prognosis. Mechanisms to communicate BRCA results were evaluated, because these findings may be beneficial to (...)
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    W. E. B. Du Bois and the EVOLUTION OF ‘RACE’.Stephanie J. Shaw - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (S1):73-101.
    This essay situates the major works of W.E.B. Du Bois and some of his minor work between the 1880s and 1940 in the historical context of black people's writing about race since the eighteenth century. In offering examples of the evolution of black thinking and writing on this topic, it views Du Bois's work in the context of Moral and Ethical Philosophy (rather than the more obvious History, Sociology, and Political Economics) in order to reveal his efforts as (...)
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    W. E. B. Du Bois and The Souls of Black Folk.Stephanie J. Shaw - 2013 - University of North Carolina.
    This book brings a new understanding to one of the great documents of American and black history. While most scholarly discussions of The Souls of Black Folk focus on the veils, the color line, double consciousness, or Booker T. Washington, this book reads Du Bois' work as a profoundly nuanced interpretation of the souls of black Americans at the turn of the twentieth century. Demonstrating the importance of the work as a socioh-istorical study of black life in America at (...)
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    Between General Strike and Dissensus: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction.J. L. Feldman - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (4):674-702.
    For W. E. B. Du Bois, the tragedy of Reconstruction was that its achievements were overthrown and erased from collective memory. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction corrects this, claiming enslaved people who fled plantations self-emancipated, thus enacting a “general strike against the slave system.” Yet Du Bois contravenes his general strike thesis when he quotes without rebuttal several Union officials who spoke of the formerly enslaved in degrading, nonagentic terms. I turn to Jacques Rancière’s politics of dissensus to (...)
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  5. W.e.B. Du Bois (1868-1963).Donald J. Morse - 2008 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  6.  27
    Du Bois and Racial Capitalism: Symposium on Andrew J. Douglas, W. E. B. Du Bois and the Critique of the Competitive Society, Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2019. [REVIEW]Ella Myers, James Ford & Aldon Morris - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (3):483-507.
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    The New Abolition: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Social Gospel.Gary J. Dorrien - 2015 - Yale University Press.
    The black social gospel emerged from the trauma of Reconstruction to ask what a “new abolition” would require in American society. It became an important tradition of religious thought and resistance, helping to create an alternative public sphere of excluded voices and providing the intellectual underpinnings of the civil rights movement. This tradition has been seriously overlooked, despite its immense legacy. In this groundbreaking work, Gary Dorrien describes the early history of the black social gospel from its nineteenth-century founding to (...)
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    Empirical or Imperial?: Issues in the Manipulation of Du Bois’ Intellectual Historiography in Kwame Anthony Appiah’s Lines of Descent.Tommy J. Curry - 2014 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2):391-419.
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    It’s for the Kids: The Sociological Significance of W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Brownies’ Books and Their Philosophical Relevance for our Understanding of Gender in the Ethnological Age.Tommy J. Curry - 2015 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 36 (1):27-57.
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    (1 other version)The soul of W. E. B. du Bois.Edward J. Blum - 2004 - Philosophia Africana 7 (2):1-16.
  11.  67
    Wrongfulness and Prohibitions.J. R. Edwards & A. P. Simester - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):171-186.
    This paper responds to Antje du-Bois Pedain’s discussion of the wrongfulness constraint on the criminal law. Du-Bois Pedain argues that the constraint is best interpreted as stating that φing is legitimately criminalised only if φing is wrongful for other-regarding reasons. We take issue with du-Bois Pedain’s arguments. In our view, it is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition of legitimate criminalisation that φing is wrongful in du-Bois Pedain’s sense. Rather, it is a necessary condition of legitimate (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Classical sociological theory.Craig J. Calhoun (ed.) - 2007 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    This comprehensive collection of classical sociological theory is a definitive guide to the roots of sociology from its undisciplined beginnings to its current guideposts and reference points in contemporary sociological debate. A definitive guide to the roots of sociology through a collection of key writings from the founders of the discipline Explores influential works of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton Editorial introductions lend historical and intellectual perspective to the substantial readings Includes (...)
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    Faulkner's Novels Past and Present.Andrew J. McKenna - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):39-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Faulkner's Novels Past and PresentAndrew J. McKenna (bio)This article contains instances of the N-word. The Editor, Michigan State University Press, and Michigan State University do not condone the use of this word and only after careful consideration have we reprinted it. In this case, the word appears in the context of works by Faulkner.When I first came East I kept thinking You've got to remember to think of some (...)
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    Stance and metaphor: Mapping changing representations of (organizational) identity.Lisa J. McEntee-Atalianis - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (3):319-340.
    This article illustrates how metaphor is used as a stance-taking resource and strategy to indirectly index enduring and changing representations of organizational identity through an analysis of speeches delivered by consecutive Secretary Generals of an agency of the United Nations. Drawing on Bucholtz and Hall’s framework of identity, and recent research on stance, it illustrates how metaphor marks attitudes and orientations to context, propositions and social and political structures/relationships. The analysis highlights similarities in the depiction of the organization over two (...)
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  15. Haeckel’s embryos: fraud not proven.Robert J. Richards - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (1):147-154.
    Through the last half of the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth, no scientist more vigorously defended Darwinian theory than the German Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919). More people learned of the new ideas through his voluminous publications, translated into numerous languages, than through any other source, including Darwin’s own writings. He enraged many of his contemporaries, especially among the religiously orthodox; and the enmity between evolutionary theory and religious fundamentalism that still burns brightly today may in large measure (...)
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  16. Good counsel: a walking dialogue with William James.Matthew J. Rossano - 2024 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    The book is structured as a dialogue between the American intellectual William James and one of his famous students (Gertrude Stein, Theodore Roosevelt, W.E.B. Du Bois, etc.) discussing a topic.
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  17.  24
    Heedless Comportment and Epistemic Failure.Lisa J. McLeod - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (2):257-284.
    In this paper, I discuss the work of W. E. B. Du Bois to expose the disastrous effects of white supremacy in the U.S. and the world. While his early works suggest that white supremacy might be rehabilitated by the careful presentation of contrary evidence, in later works he catalogs the primary features of whiteness, including an infantile comportment, a pathological attachment to innocence, and an epistemic incapacity to absorb evidence of its own error. To capture the scope of (...)
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  18. Will the Real CRT Please Stand Up? The Dangers of Philosophical Contributions to CRT.Tommy J. Curry - 2009 - Crit: A Critical Legal Studies Journal:1-47.
    The recent pop culture iconography of the Critical Race Theory (CRT) label has attracted more devoted (white) fans than a 90s boy band. In philosophy, this trend is evidenced by the growing number of white feminists who extend their work in gender analogically to questions of race and identity. The trend is further evidenced by the unchecked use of the CRT label to describe (1) any work dealing with postcolonial authors like W.E.B. Du Bois and Frantz Fanon or (2) (...)
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    Kwame Anthony Appiah.Christopher J. Lee - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    This clear and engaging introduction is the first book to assess the ideas of Kwame Anthony Appiah, the Ghanaian-British philosopher who is a leading public intellectual today. The book focuses on the theme of 'identity' and is structured around five main topics, corresponding to the subjects of his major works: race, culture, liberalism, cosmopolitanism, and moral revolutions. This handy guide: teaches students about the sources, opportunities, and dilemmas of personal and social identity - whether on the basis of race, gender, (...)
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  20.  43
    Decolonising African Management: Okot p’Bitek and the Paradoxes of African Management.Henk J. van Rinsum & Jan Boessenkool - 2013 - Philosophy of Management 12 (2):41-55.
    In this article we argue that ideas about management are led by cognitive frameworks rooted in cultural, including intellectual, traditions. African management is part of ambiguous mental concepts. African management results from a quest for an essentialist authenticity in the framework of decolonisation. Through analysing the life and work of the Ugandan African nationalist, poet and anthropologist Okot p’Bitek (1931–1982), we argue that the concept of double consciousness as defined by W. E. B. Du Bois (1868–1963) can be used (...)
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  21.  8
    In a post-Hegelian spirit: philosophical theology as idealistic discontent.Gary J. Dorrien - 2020 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
    Hegel broke open the deadliest assumptions of Western thought by conceiving being as becoming and consciousness as the social-subjective relation of spirit to itself, yet his white Eurocentric conceits were grotesquely inflated even by the standards of his time. With In a Post-Hegelian Spirit, Gary Dorrien emphasizes both sides of this Hegelian legacy, contending that it takes a great deal of digging and refuting to recover the parts of Hegel that still matter for religious thought. By distilling his signature argument (...)
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  22. A Kantian Theory of Intersectionality.Helga Varden - 2024 - In Reiko Gotoh, Dignity, Freedom and Justice. Springer. pp. 147-68. Translated by H Kato.
    Kimberlé Crenshaw arrived at her famous phrase “intersectionality” by carefully thinking through speeches and writings given to us by early Black feminists, such as like Sojourner Truth and Anna J. Cooper. In this paper, I expand on this groundbreaking work in two somewhat surprising ways. First, I bring the ideas of these early Black feminists together with important, related proposals from W.E.B. Du Bois, Karl Marx, Hannah Arendt, and Simone de Beauvoir. Second, I relate these works to central ideas (...)
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  23.  85
    Histoire du Berry.Emmanuel Legeard - 2024 - Paris: Gisserot Histoire.
    En 600 av. J.-C., les Bituriges, « rois du monde », dominent la Celtique sous l’autorité d’Ambigat. Leur territoire est uni par le contrôle des bassins versants de la Loire et l’occupation d’une grande clairière céréalière, la Champagne, cernée par les forêts. Le chef-lieu est Avaricum, que Vercingétorix choisira pour venir à bout des légions de César. L’issue est tragique. Malgré Gergovie, la Gaule devient romaine. Commence alors l’histoire du Berry, qui sera pendant 1700 ans le théâtre d’événements majeurs. Parce (...)
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  24. Number and measure: Hermann von Helmholtz at the crossroads of mathematics, physics, and psychology.Olivier Darrigol - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (3):515-573.
    In 1887 Helmholtz discussed the foundations of measurement in science as a last contribution to his philosophy of knowledge. This essay borrowed from earlier debates on the foundations of mathematics, on the possibility of quantitative psychology, and on the meaning of temperature measurement. Late nineteenth-century scrutinisers of the foundations of mathematics made little of Helmholtz’s essay. Yet it inspired two mathematicians with an eye on physics, and a few philosopher-physicists. The aim of the present paper is to situate Helmholtz’s contribution (...)
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    Is There a White Gift?: A Pragmatist Response to the Problem of Whiteness.Terrance A. MacMullan - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (4):796-817.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:is There a White Gift?: A Pragmatist Response to the Problem of Whiteness Terrance A. MacMullan Introduction Lucius Outlaw and Shannon SuUivan are prominent contemporary philosophers of race who follow in the footsteps of W.E.B. Du Bois as they search for a theoretical understanding of race and a political solution to the problem of racism. They agree that the solution to racism is not found in the elimination (...)
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  26.  18
    Stable Consciousness? The “Hard Problem” Historically Reconstructed and in Perspective of Neurophenomenological Research on Meditation.Stephan Schleim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Finding a scientific, third-person explanation of subjective experience or phenomenal content is commonly called the “hard problem” of consciousness. There has recently been a surge in neuropsychological research on meditation in general and long-term meditators in particular. These experimental subjects are allegedly capable of generating a stable state of consciousness over a prolonged period of time, which makes experimentation with them an interesting paradigm for consciousness research. This perspective article starts out with a historical reconstruction of the “hard problem,” tracing (...)
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    Bilingual Aesthetics: A New Sentimental Education (review).Jane Duran - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):121-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bilingual Aesthetics:A New Sentimental EducationJane DuranBilingual Aesthetics: A New Sentimental Education, by Doris Sommer. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2004, 254 pp.Doris Sommer's new work Bilingual Aesthetics is the sort of book that takes one by surprise—and for good reason. Filled with punning twists, and itself a valorizer of word games and magic, this work has not a lot to do with bilingualism (in the standard sense), not (...)
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  28.  13
    Des tempêtes j'en ai vu d'autres: pour une écologie sans démagogie!Maud Fontenoy - 2016 - [Paris]: Plon.
    « Il y a 9 mois, pour que les choses changent et après avoir travaillé sur mon sujet depuis plus de 15 ans, je fais le choix d'abandonner mon confort en devenant (bénévolement) la nouvelle déléguée nationale à l'Environnement chez Les Républicains. Je l'ai accepté dans le but unique de porter mes convictions. J'y ai proposé un programme précis, destiné à être appliqué. Puis je suis partie en campagne pour les régionales et j'ai été élue vice-présidente au développement durable, à (...)
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  29. The wood frame of the Temple of Apollon in the accounts of Delphi: techniques, vocabulary and building work chronology.Stéphane Lamouille - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    Il ne subsiste aucun vestige de la charpente du temple d’Apollon construit à Delphes durant le ive s. av. J.‑C., ni de bloc comportant des réservations pour l’appui des poutres. En revanche, de nombreux passages des comptes de construction mentionnent des pièces en bois et font état de travaux sur les parties hautes du monument. Nous présentons ici un commentaire de ces inscriptions qui s’articule autour de trois objectifs principaux : déterminer la destination et la fonction des pièces de (...)
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  30.  8
    Regain: "l'âge me laisse des regains de jeunesse" (Quinault).Marcel Conche - 2018 - Auxerre: HDiffusion.
    Si je relis de vieilles lettres -- Où placer la liberté ? -- Les lettres -- L'oubli de soi -- L'inégalité des civilisations -- Celle que j'ai cherchée -- Nostalgie -- La patraquerie -- Ma sensibilité -- Les morts -- Les amis -- Le grand philosophe -- Simplifier la vie -- Les héros dans l'histoire -- 1936 -- Maria et Marissou -- Compter pour quelque chose ou pour rien -- Mes peurs -- Laura -- Les yeux -- La tristesse -- (...)
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